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How can you veganize a boxed cake?

Back in the day before I went vegan I used to eat boxed cake all the time. You know, the stuff you add water, oil and eggs and it magically transforms into a cake? Well, after going vegan that stuff was a no-no since I couldn't use eggs but I thought why not give some substitutes a try and see if I could veganize this thing.

So there's good news and bad news.

The good news is that yes, it could be done.

I tried 3 different egg substitutes: chia eggs, Just Egg and a can of Coke.

All 3 actually produced a cake in the end.

The bad news is that none of them produced a cake really worth the calories, to be honest. It just wasn't very good cake!

Watch the video to see how each one of them turned out and my conclusion at the end.


Have any vegan baking questions of your own? Send them over to me at I’ll be answering them on Wednesdays here and on the Curious Cat Bakery Instagram.
Stay curious,
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