Voted one of the top 5 places for vegan croissants by VegNews

Curious Cat Bakery Blog RSS

Recipe: Vegan Chocolate Refrigerator No Bake Cake

If you love chocolate, hate having to work for it, and doing dishes is not your jam, let me tell you, my friend, you're going to love this recipe. Some of the reasons why I love it are: 1) it's basically just a giant homemade candy bar you can keep in the fridge and cut out slices through the week. 2) the ingredients list is very loose. Don't like Lotus cookies? Swap it out for Oreos. Don't like nuts? Swap out for peanut butter chips or vegan marshmallows or shredded coconut. Anything goes! 3) It's no bake and requires minimum effort and clean up. So without further ado, here it is: Ingredients 3 cups vegan chocolate chips 7/8 cup vegan...

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What vegan milk is best for baking?

With so many options out there when it comes to plant based milks, it can be hard to decide which one you should use when baking. Different vegan milks have different textures, taste and nutritional content and those are all going to play a part in how your recipe comes out in the end. Almond Milk/Oat Milk/ Soy Milk Almond, oat or soy milk will be your best bet as a one-size-fits-all ingredient. They have the closest texture to cow's milk and can be subbed out 1-for-1 in most recipes. Rice Milk/Hemp Milk Rice or hemp milk on the other hand are more diluted and have a more watery texture so they're not ideal as a replacement. Coconut Milk Coconut...

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Meet the Bakery Cats!

When you own a business called the Curious Cat Bakery, people naturally ask if you're a crazy cat lady. Well, if you needed further proof of it, here's an entire video where I introduce all 4 of my cats, their stories, personalities and quirks. So yea, I'm a crazy cat lady. Stay curious, Natalia

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What's the best vegan egg wash?

When you’re baking bread, the whole thing is not quite complete without that shiny, golden coat over it, right?One problem with that is the way you get that shiny golden color in conventional baking is with an egg wash.So if you’re vegan, can you still get that look and effect without using eggs? We’re looking into that today at the Curious Cat Bakery Test Kitchen. The Substitute Options I’ve been using a mixture of plant milk and agave and I love the results.But I decided to test out 3 other different types of egg wash replacements on  vegan croissants to see if they work better or worse. When Googling for alternatives, the most common are plant milk, coconut oil and...

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This is why your vegan buttercream is melting

If your vegan buttercream is falling apart, odds are it’s a problem with your recipe. And today on Ask a Vegan Baker we’re talking about exactly what could be going wrong and how you can make sure your vegan buttercream doesn’t fall apart by: Being aware of your base’s melting point Making sure you have the right balance of wet and dry ingredients Making the choice between vegan butter or shortening Melting Points The first thing that could be going wrong if your vegan buttercream is falling apart is that you might be using a butter substitute that has a lower melting point, meaning it will start melting at a lower temperature. Different brands have different melting points and you...

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